2016년 2월 10일 수요일

레이저 각인기 laser engraver

공방에  또 하나의 기계가 생겼다.

아주 우연한 기회에 산 레이저 각인기.

계획에 전혀 없던 충동구매였다.

cnc 기계를 사면서 제작자가 갖고 있는 것을 우연히 보고 난 후,

함께 보러 간 회원들의 마음이 모아졌고 구매를 적극 추진했다.

회원들이 모금해서 경비를 나눴고 참여 회원은 무한사용권을 갖는다.

내 노트북과 연결해 그림 넣기, 글자 넣기, 크기 조절, 레이저 출력 조절 등의 여러 실험을 했다.

불도장을 만들까 했는데 그럴 필요는 없게 됐다.

앞으로 작품에 내 고유한 문양을 새길 수 있다.

어서 하나 만들어야겠다.

Another new machine was installed in woodworking workshop.
We, yes we, bought a laser engraver without any plan. It was wholly a sort of impulse purchase.  We were not going to get those kind of machine before we met the engraver by chance. We decided to buy that just because of certain potential possibilities.
'If we have laser engraver, we can apply it to wide cases.'

When we visited SOHO office to inspect a cnc machine, we met this machine.
After we considered price and capability, it was a nice choice.
The members for inspecting were agree to buy this laser engraver.

It was almost 600 dollars.  The workshop master suggested workshop members to fund for purchase. The condition is to give unlimited rights of using to members who donated. The output power of laser module is enough to engrave images on any kind of wood.

I connected my laptop to engraver and tried several functions, inserting images, resizing lettes, controlling output power.

It was good.
Now, I don't have to think about purchasing a electric bronze brand.

It is time to design my own logo by computer.

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